“Winery PR in a Pay-to-Play World” featuring Carl Giavanti

Carl G webinar video pictureIf you missed the DTC Consultant Network Introductory Webinar “Winery PR in a Pay-to-Play World” featuring Carl Giavanti on November 19, 2015, here’s your chance to watch. Carl started his consulting business in 2009 and has helped 50+ wineries with media outreach and public relations activities. Carl joined the DTC Consultant Network in September, 2015 to assist wineries throughout the nation and present at industry events. You can learn more about Carl’s background and read his BIO HERE.

In this informative webinar on Winery PR and Media Outreach, Carl reveals best practices for getting media coverage for your brand. Carl is based our of Portland, Oregon and serves wineries throughout the Northwest, California and Texas. To schedule a complimentary consultation to get better acquainted, contact Carl at: cgiavanti@mindspring.com or contact sales@dtcwineworkshops.com.

About Sandra Beals

Sandra Beals, founder of DTC Wine Workshops and the DTC Consultant Network, is a subject matter specialist and public speaker on the topics of direct to consumer wine sales and consumer engagement strategies.