direct wine sales

DTC Wine Compliance: The Winning Formula

Now that wineries throughout the nation can ship wine direct to consumer to up to 44 states, the flood gates have opened. The value of wines shipped Direct-to-Consumer exceeded $2 Billion in 2016 and many winery teams are shifting sales efforts from traditional three-tier distribution models to more of a […]

DTC Wine Analytics: Leveraging your Intelligence Data in 2017

Are you ready to dig in to your data from 2016 and 2015 to plan more strategically? What can your data tell you about WHO your customers are and HOW they want to connect with you? Learn how to leverage your data in a meaningful way to grow direct wine […]

DTC Wine Analytics: Leveraging your Intelligence Data in 2017

Are you ready to dig in to your data from 2016 and 2015 to plan more strategically? What can your data tell you about WHO your customers are and HOW they want to connect with you? Learn how to leverage your data in a meaningful way to grow direct wine […]

DTC Wine Strategy: Growth Planning in a Growth Industry

Your odds of growing successfully increase by 50% if you plan*. Developing a growth plan based on 2 or 3 specific objectives in the wine sales and marketing arenas should be an annual exercise. Growth examples can include the launch of a new brand, a larger tasting room, events venue, […]

DTC Wine Business Design: Creating an Integrated Action Plan

Designing your DTC business, then following an DTC Action Plan that is scheduled and integrated is key to your success in direct sales. Your Direct to Consumer plans should be deeply integrated, surround a unique brand story, and be thoroughly geared towards the consumer. This hands-on workshop is presented by […]

DTC Wine Analytics: Leveraging your Intelligence Data in 2017

Are you ready to dig in to your data from 2016 and 2015 to plan more strategically? What can your data tell you about WHO your customers are and HOW they want to connect with you? Learn how to leverage your data in a meaningful way to grow direct wine […]

TOP FIVE Member Management Tools Workshop

This workshop is presented by Dina L Northcutt, former DTC Programs Coordinator at Chateau Montelena. Dina specializes in business process improvements and works with winery management teams to develop solutions for building effective wine clubs and retaining loyal members. As consumer demand continues to shape how wineries are offer wine […]


Workshop Description:  Find and Retain Talent that Matches the Right Technology to Grow Direct Wines Sales & Retain Loyal Customers in this Online Workshop! Presenters:  Workshop will be co-led by Ken Majer, author of four books on values-based corporate culture and leadership values, and Sandra Hess, Founder of DTC Wine Workshops, […]

TOP FIVE Member Management Tools Workshop

This workshop is presented by Dina L Northcutt, former DTC Programs Coordinator at Chateau Montelena. Dina specializes in business process improvements and works with winery management teams to develop solutions for building effective wine clubs and retaining loyal members. As consumer demand continues to shape how wineries are offer wine […]

Tasting Room Conversion Workshop – TOP THREE TOOLS

With over 8700 bonded tasting rooms in the US and the flurry of online winery websites to buy from, consumers have more choice than ever. How are wineries improving conversion processes at the tasting room and at events? Get the lastest tips and best practices for converting first-time vistors to […]

Winery Teams: Having Trouble Keeping New Talent Around?

Guest Blog Post featuring Ken Majer, author of four books on values-based corporate culture and leadership values and member of the DTC Consultant Network.  December 22, 2016 Keeping new talent is only one of the many issues wineries face as the industry is facing many changes. There is a sea change […]

DTC Wine Sales News – December 2016

Greetings! “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” – and this rings so true for many winery teams wrapping up 2016 and preparing end of year direct sales reports. According to Wines & Vines Analytics/ShipCompliant, Direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipments increased in the tradit ionally strong month of November. Sales topped $332 […]

DTC Wine Sales News – November 2016

  CONGRATULATIONS to the winery teams who have worked strategically to GROW direct wine sales while RETAINING loyal customers this year. Your efforts have paid off according to the latest report in Wines & Vines!   Greetings! Well, the numbers don’t lie. Winery teams who have invested in direct to […]

Sandra Hess Confirmed Speaker at “Three-Tier Distribution Seminar” Napa

Sandra Hess, founder of DTC Wine Workshops is a confirmed speaker at the Three-Tier Distribution Seminar presented by the Seminar group on February 28, 2017 in Napa, CA.      Sandra will join panelists Christopher Pappe and Liz Mercer to discuss “The Effect of Increased Direct-to-Consumer Options” at 4:00 – […]

DTC Wine Sales News – October 2016

  The value of wines shipped in September, 2016 totaled $198 million, up from $169 million the same month a year earlier. Is your winery team ready to finish the fourth quarter STRONG? Greetings! Wine consumers continue to demand more wines shipped nationally as we look at a report released in […]