Wineries Demand MORE Direct Wine Sales Tools in 2016

DTC Wine Workshops published a catalogue of 40 online workshops for 2016 to meet the growing demand of winery teams and managers.  Direct wine sales has become a very viable revenue channels for wineries throughout the nation over the past 8-10 years. We saw REAL growth and significant increase in consumer demand over the past three years as technology companies like WineDirect, Vin65, VinTank, ShipCompliant and others invested heavily in tools and solutions that help wineries sell more wine online as well as in-person.  Thanks to FedEx and UPS, wineries can provide tighter turnaround times to online buyers throughout the nation, guarantee temperature controlled deliveries and ensure that customers have apps available to check real-time updates for package delivery. Thanks to Free The Grapes and Wine Market Council, wineries in California can now ship to 43 states nationally.

We learned a lot about CONSUMER DEMAND in the Wines & Vines and ShipCompliant direct shipping report that was released January 26th. Thanks to the big E-Commerce players like Amazon, Expedia, Trip Advisor and others, consumers rely heavily on peer reviews and have become quite comfortable at buying everything from wine to furniture online.  Security, ease of use, membership based shipping programs and consumer reviews have contributed to $2.74 billion in online sales just during Black Friday this past holiday season and $3.07 on Cyber Monday.*

Wineries are no longer only brick and mortar,  hospitality and consumer packaged goods businesses BUT they are now also “online businesses”. Sales and marketing teams realize the need to cater to both in-person and online buyers and also ensure that guest experiences are mapped out for both areas of business.  An ideal blend of technology and internal processes must be implemented for wineries to truly capitalize on this rapidly growing sales channel.

Vin65 has kicked off the 2016 Road Show Series to bring industry specialists to local winery communities as expanding wine regions are wanting more training around best practices. Sandra Hess, founder of DTC Wine Workshops, will be speaking on DTC Wine Strategy Tips at the Vin65 Roadshow in Healdsburg on February 4th and a full schedule of Road Shows is available HERE.

As DTC Wine Workshops support wineries of all sizes nationally, we know that winery teams that cater to both the online and offline buyers with the right technologies and tools SELL MORE WINE DIRECT.  View the 40+ online workshops HERE and explore in-person workshops in 2016. Everything from Wine E-Commerce Strategy to Winery PR Outreach, Wine Club Strategy, CRM Selling Strategies, Tasting Room Conversion Tools and the DTC Wine Management Series are offered through DTC Wine Workshops. Interested in scheduling a group workshop at your winery site?  Contact:

What are DTC Wine Workshops clients saying?  Read Testimonials HERE.


About Sandra Beals

Sandra Beals, founder of DTC Wine Workshops and the DTC Consultant Network, is a subject matter specialist and public speaker on the topics of direct to consumer wine sales and consumer engagement strategies.