Wineries Demand MORE Direct Wine Sales Tools in 2016

DTC Wine Workshops published a catalogue of 40 online workshops for 2016 to meet the growing demand of winery teams and managers.  Direct wine sales has become a very viable revenue channels for wineries throughout the nation over the past 8-10 years. We saw REAL growth and significant increase in […]

Consumer Demand Shapes DTC Wine Industry in 2016

What has consumer demand taught winery teams this past year? As we kick off 2016 and review data just released from Wines & Vines in the ShipCompliant report, we know that the total value of winery-to-consumer shipments increased 8.1% to almost $2 billion last year. The average price decreased from $38.40 […]

Guest Blog Post by Rick Morgin – Winery Dashboards

What is a winery dashboard and why should wineries use them? Three hypothetical wineries are committed to investing to grow their direct to consumer (DTC) sales. Each winery has segmented their target market based on price. In this example, target consumers who spend more than $20.00 per 750ml bottle of […]

Direct Wine Sales Evolution Series – Part Two

Greetings! I was invited to speak at Start Up Grind North Bay last month about direct to consumer (DTC) sales and marketing trends in the United States. John Starr, President of Start Up Grind North Bay, asked me to share insights about how to successfully sell directly to the consumer and also […]

Winery Teams: Congratulations On Direct Wine Sales Success!

DTC Wine Workshops and the DTC Consultant Network would like to express our  sincere gratitude for your business and support in 2014.  It has been an incredible year for us as we have helped wineries sell direct to consumer!  According to Wines and Vines, DTC Shipments 12-Month Total Approached $1.8 Billion*. Direct-to-consumer […]


Happy Holidays!  As your winery team is preparing sales and marketing plans for 2015, now is a great time to register for the DTC Wine Symposium taking place January 14th and 15th at the Concord Hilton.  Sandra Hess, founder of DTC Wine Workshops, is the Workshop Sessions Chair and has […]

Social CRM for Your Winery: Get Connected in 30 Minutes or Less

Are you a Vin65 user? Did you know that as part of your subscription you also get access to VinTank, the leading social CRM platform for wineries? DTC Wine Workshops and the DTC Consultant Network has teamed up with VinTank to help you make the most of their platform and […]

DTC Consultant Network Members Announced

We’re excited to formally announce the inaugural members of the DTC Consultant Network. This group of wine industry specialists have been selectively picked to serve wineries throughout then nation based on their proven methods and impressive project portfolios. You can view network members and read BIOS at: https://dtcwineworkshops.com/meet-the-network/ This group of […]

Introducing the DTC Consultant Network

Today, DTC Wine Workshops is pleased to announce the launch of the DTC Consultant Network, a full-service consulting group connecting subject matter experts with wineries throughout the nation to grow direct to consumer (DTC) business, expand brand awareness and retain loyal customers. The first of its kind, the DTC Consultant […]

Direct to Consumer Wine Sales Webinar Series

DTC Wine Workshops presents a six-month DTC Wine Sales webinar series taking place over six months on the second Tuesday of each month beginning March 11th at 10:00 a.m. PST. 3.47 million cases of wine shipped in 2013, a 9.3% increase over 2012. In 2013, wines priced $15 and less increased […]


Ready to Grow DTC Wine Sales in 2014?  Schedule a full-day Boot Camp of your choice to take place at your location or online.  Sign up online or in person at DTC Wine Symposium South San Francisco January 22nd and 23rd. Contact: sales@dtcwineworkshops.com

High Tech, Low Cost Winery Solutions that Deliver Results

  This article featured in Wines & Vines is an excellent read about one of the sessions held at the Wine Industry Technology Symposium in Napa this week.  Visit:  http://www.winesandvines.com/template.cfm?section=news&content=119242 I have worked with James Marshall Barry and admire his ability to deliver low cost, effective website design and e-commerce […]

Just Announced! Vin65/WineDirect and VinTank Partner

Vin65/WineDirect and VinTank made a major announcement today that will greatly improve the way wineries interact with visitors and members!  No need to spend countless hours searching the web to understand who loves a winery brand, the VinTank Social Tracking tool now integrated in Vin65 e-commerce platform, provides this service in […]