Tasting Room

Introducing the “DTC Wine Case Study Series”

Greetings! I have the pleasure of serving a variety of winery owners and managers throughout the nation. I have frequent discussions with winery staff at onsite workshops and industry events, to identify their training needs for growing direct to consumer (DTC) wine sales. There is one common thread in most of my conversations—the […]

Rick Morgin Webinar – Goal Setting & Dashboards

JOIN US for an informative webinar as we introduce the newest member of the DTC Consultant Network, Rick Morgin, specializing in goal management, dashboard set up and CRM best practices.  You can read Rick’s BIO to learn more about his extensive background and skill sets. The webinar is complimentary and […]

DTC Wine Guest Blog Post – Christopher Huber on Gracious Greetings

Years ago I worked with Marriott, within the Residence Inn division of 300 hotels. I was fortunate to be on the Quality Assurance team with an amazing leader and six of the best peers I’ve ever had the pleasure of working alongside. We had an invigorating, challenging task: to rework […]

2015 State of the Wine Industry Report

Rob McMillan, Executive Vice President, Silicon Valley Bank, did a great job preparing the State of the Wine Industry 2015 Report – download here: SVB wine-report-2015-pdf.  Direct to Consumer sales will continue as the largest growth channel for most wineries.  NOW is the time to get a strategic DTC Sales Plan in place. […]

DTC Wine Sales Management Series

DTC Wine Workshops presents the “DTC Wine Sales Management Series” ideal for any winery manager responsible for direct sales, customer service, marketing and customer retention activities. The series includes four weekly workshops (each 1.5 hour online session), one e-workbook and a 1.5 hour one-on-one coaching session.  Online workshop dates for […]


Happy Holidays!  As your winery team is preparing sales and marketing plans for 2015, now is a great time to register for the DTC Wine Symposium taking place January 14th and 15th at the Concord Hilton.  Sandra Hess, founder of DTC Wine Workshops, is the Workshop Sessions Chair and has […]

Direct to Consumer Wine Marketing Tips

In the 6th webinar of our “Meet the Network” series on November 4th, Janet Majors shared her insights and best practices for implementing effective online and in-person winery marketing.  Key take-away’s from this webinar include: How brand strategy and consumer data funnel down into online and in person marketing efforts Keys to […]

SVB on Tasting Room Best Practices

Recently, Silicon Valley Bank and Wine Business Monthly conducted a survey on Tasting Room best practices.  Here, SVB’s Rob McMillan, Wine Business Monthly’s Cyril Penn and an industry panel discuss the findings and share insights into: Conversion rates of visitors to buyers Impact of venue choice on tasting room success Regional […]

Drive DTC Wine Sales and Keep ‘em Coming Back!

In 2013, 3.4 million cases of wine shipped in the United States (ShipCompliant 2014 DTC Report). Online sales are growing at the fastest pace in history and staying connected to your customers is critical. Here are five customer touch points that will drive DTC wine sales and keep your biggest […]


Ready to Grow DTC Wine Sales in 2014?  Schedule a full-day Boot Camp of your choice to take place at your location or online.  Sign up online or in person at DTC Wine Symposium South San Francisco January 22nd and 23rd. Contact: sales@dtcwineworkshops.com

Direct Wine Sales: Top 5 Holiday Sales Tips

Shoppers are in full swing as Holiday celebrations are upon us.  Direct to Consumer wine sales are up so this is a great time for wineries to cater to the online buyer.  In a recent report released by Truett-Hurst Inc. DTC Sales are up by 24% due to an increase […]

VinTank and Delectable: Imagine a World……

Imagine a world where you could take a picture of a wine bottle using an App on your smart phone and instantly find out everything you need to know about that wine. Now imagine buying that wine right from the App after reading up on wine notes, ratings, etc. Now […]

Wine BizCast Episode 2: How to Retain Wine Club Members

We had a lot of fun with a ladies only episode of The Wine Bizcast.  The Panelists were asked the following questions: 1. How do events play a part for wine club retention? 2. What are some creative wine club benefits you have seen offered? 3. How can wineries anticipate […]