winery website

Direct to Consumer Wine Workshop Series – Calaveras County

Sandra Hess, founder of DTC Wine Workshops presents the 2018 DIRECT-TO-CONSUMER WINE WORKSHOP SERIES in Calaveras County. Attendees will receive: Hands-On Training, Best Practices, Case Studies, Checklists and also attend Breakout Sessions designed for the Calaveras Winegrape Alliance. Winery teams from neighboring communities are welcome to attend based on space. All classes will […]

Winery Marketing Webinar: Direct Consumer Insights & Analytics

Winery Marketing Webinar: Direct Consumer Insights & Analytics Join Taylor Eason, Digital Marketing Strategist with Cork & Fork Digital Media, for a winery marketing workshop covering why customer insights and analytics are crucial to improving a winery’s marketing and sales efforts. Defining your target audience is the first step in […]

Winery Marketing: Direct Consumer Insights & Analytics

REGISTER HERE for the Winery Marketing: Direct Consumer Insights & Analytics Webinar. Join Taylor Eason, Digital Marketing Strategist with Cork & Fork Digital Media, for a winery marketing workshop covering why customer insights and analytics are crucial to improving a winery’s marketing and sales efforts. Defining your target audience is the first […]

Winery Marketing: Direct Consumer Insights & Analytics

Winery Marketing: Direct Consumer Insights & Analytics This workshop explores and reveals why customer insights and analytics are so crucial to improving a winery’s marketing and sales efforts. Host Taylor Eason, President of Cork & Fork Digital Media, will show how to develop a data analytics strategy to create a […]

DIGITAL BOOTCAMP: 5 Steps for Developing a Digital Marketing Plan

DIGITAL BOOTCAMP: 5 Steps for Developing a Digital Marketing Plan Join Taylor Eason, Digital Marketing Strategist with Cork & Fork Digital Media, for a comprehensive dive into digital marketing. The wine business is a very competitive marketplace, and exploring new marketing avenues is crucial to growing retail traffic and e-commerce sales. […]

Winery Marketing: 5 Steps for Developing a Digital Marketing Plan

Winery Marketing: 5 Steps for Developing a Digital Marketing Plan Join Taylor Eason, Digital Marketing Strategist with Cork & Fork Digital Media, for a comprehensive dive into digital winery marketing strategy. The wine business is a very competitive marketplace. To grow retail traffic and e-commerce sales, smart companies must consider […]

Winery Marketing: 5 Steps to Developing a Digital Marketing Plan

Join Taylor Eason, Digital Marketing Strategist with Cork & Fork Digital Media, for a comprehensive dive into digital winery marketing strategy. The wine business is a very competitive marketplace. To grow retail traffic and e-commerce sales, smart companies must consider all the powerful tools now available and learn how to […]

Winery Marketing: 5 Steps to Developing a Digital Marketing Plan

Join Taylor Eason, Digital Marketing Strategist with Cork & Fork Digital Media, for a comprehensive dive into digital marketing strategy. The wine business is a very competitive marketplace. To grow retail traffic and e-commerce sales, smart companies must consider all the powerful tools now available and learn to use them […]

DTC Wine Management Academy(4-Part Workshop)

REGISTER HERE  for the DTC Wine Management Academy DTC Wine Workshops founder, Sandra Hess, presents the “DTC Wine Management Academy” ideal for any winery manager responsible for direct sales, customer retention and brand expansion. The series includes: Four weekly workshops (each 1.5 hour online session) Four e-Workbooks One 1.5 hour One-on-One Coaching […]

DTC Wine Management Academy (4-Part Webinar Series)

GROW DIRECT TO CONSUMER SALES & RETAIN LOYAL CUSTOMERS IN 2018 WITH A DIRECT WINE SALES STRATEGIC PLAN! In today’s competitive direct to consumer wine business climate, a “one-size-fits-all” approach to wine sales and consumer engagement doesn’t deliver results. DTC managers need to apply proven methods and best practices when […]

DTC Wine Management Series (4-Part Workshop)

GROW DIRECT TO CONSUMER SALES & RETAIN LOYAL CUSTOMERS IN 2018 WITH A DIRECT WINE SALES STRATEGIC PLAN! DTC Wine Workshops founder, Sandra Hess, presents the “DTC Wine Management Series” ideal for any winery manager responsible for direct sales, customer retention and brand expansion. The series includes: Four weekly workshops […]

DTC Wine Holiday Sales Tips

Many of our clients experienced the greatest increase in e-Commerce sales last year between Black Friday and Cyber Monday as they leveraged segmented email and social campaigns to effectively reach target audiences with focused offers. We hope that you find these Holiday Sales Tips to be helpful as your team […]

NEW DATE! Holiday Wine Sales Prep Workshop

DIRECT WINE SALES & MARKETING MANAGERS: Get a jump-start on Holiday Sales and capitalize on the busiest buying season of the year. This hands-on workshop session will be led by Sandra Hess, founder of DTC Wine Workshops, and will provide winery management teams with the following tools to grow direct […]

Wine Brand Ambassador Workshop Sonoma

DTC Wine Workshops and CANVAS (Concierge Alliance Napa Sonoma) team up once again to present the “Wine Brand Ambassador Workshop” on Tuesday, February 6th 8:30 – 12:00 at Gloria Ferrer Sonoma. This half-day, hands-on workshop led by DTC Wine Workshops founder, Sandra Hess, will provide attendees the steps required to successfully […]

Winery Managers: Attend DTC Wine Management Academy

Sandra Hess, founder of DTC Wine Workshops, presents the “DTC Wine Management Academy” a four-part series KICKING OFF ONLINE AUGUST 23rd. Ideal for any winery manager responsible for direct sales, tasting room and club management, customer retention, social media management, marketing and brand expansion. The four-part series includes a DTC […]